Tuesday, June 03, 2008

katie and me

Monday, May 05, 2008

big news

I'm doubting that this blog gets looked at much anymore, and those that do probably already know my big news by now anyway. I'M ENGAGED! Katie and I are getting married on September 6th in Portland. I figured that news was blog worthy, since not much else seems to be lately for me. But while I'm at it I'll add on that my other news, not nearly as big, is that I got my own aprtment recently. No more sharing houses with people I don't really know or don't really like. Just me. I figured I'd get a couple months of living alone in before I'll never live alone again (I'm more excited about the second part).

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

happy new year...and some other days

No updates during the month of December, so here's a quick recap:
A couple of great trips to Portland including a 6 day trip for Christmas that was spent with family and friends (and girlfriend, until she left for Tennessee to be with her family), a great month to be a Blazers fan, a few snow filled days, and bringing in the new year with good friends and Jesus (also a good friend).
January already has been memorable in its first week with the hurricane force wind storm that uprooted trees and left many, including myself, without power for up to a couple of days for some. This next week will also be memorable, in a more positive way, as John Mark and Sarah McMillan will be here with their band for a week doing various events including this weekends big youth conference event. It'll be great.

Friday, November 30, 2007

thanksgiving weekend recap

It's already more than a week after Thanksgiving and I'm just now writing about it. I suppose it's better than not writing at all, which is mostly what I've been doing the last few months.
I drove to Portland Thursday morning after work without sleeping. The lack of sleeping didn't bother me during the drive, but mixed with the copius ammounts of turkey and italian food I would later consume, I was completely out it by the evening. However, before that was great. Aside from the excellent food, I got to introduce Katie (my girlfriend, for those you didn't know) to my immediate family as well as my extended family. She fit in well with everyone. It was a lot of fun.
After sleeping for twelve hours I went and picked up Katie again. We pretty much just hung out at my folks house all day.
On Saturday, I went to my nephews 1st birthday party. I also watched the Ducks football team throw their season away in a very pathetic performance. Oh well. Later that evening I got to hang out with a bunch of friends and introduce Katie to those who she hadn't met yet.
On Sunday, Katie and I went to Imago Dei in the morning. It was sort of weird going to church in my former high schools auditorium. Later in the day we went to see the movie Margot at the Wedding with Jack Black and Nicole Kidman. Jack Black is hilarious, but I don't reccommend it. All the characters were such nasty people. Later that evening we went to Bob and Lalita's and hung out there for awhile. It was a very nice change from the other loud and busy social gatherings we were at earlier in the weekend.
I then left Portland on Monday (after seeing Katie one last time of course). It was a great weekend. I'll be back in Portland in another week from now for Whipple and Sarah's baby shower. Does anyone know if they've had the baby yet?

Saturday, November 17, 2007

almost Thanksgiving

That means that I will be in Portland for the weekend.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

i saw the champions

I am not in any way a Boston Red Sox fan. By baseball law, I can't be because my favorite team (Baltimore Orioles) is in the same division. That to say, I wasn't particularly thrilled with the Red Sox winning the world series. However, the one positive thing about Boston winning is that this is the first time that I got to see the eventual world champions play in person (3 times: 2 in Seattle, 1 in Boston). That's kind of cool I suppose.

Monday, October 29, 2007

forgotten money

I had to open an account with Pacific Power in June in order to have electricity over the Summer. Though the payments weren't too bad, I did have to put down a deposit of over $100 in order to open an account with them. Since I am now in a living situation where utilities are included in my rent, the Pacific Power account is no longer necessary, so I closed it. However, I had forgotten about the deposit until today when I received it back. Most excellent! What am I going to do with that money? More like, what DID I do with that money? I put it towards an ipod. This long desired purchase should move my mindless job at Home Depot from 'tolerable' to 'somewhat enjoyable'.